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Zinc to the Power of C2

Features & Benefits

Step up to REAX PLUS ZINC.

REAX PLUS ZINC is a liquid zinc designed for drip, drench, and in-line applications with foliar flexibility and features two unique methods of leonardite extraction. Enhanced with C² soil health technology and now fortified with Biocatalyst Technology, REAX PLUS ZINC is designed to maximize nutrient efficiency and a crop’s ability to endure abiotic stress like high salinity and drought conditions. These technologies work together to deliver zinc efficiently and promote healthy growth of crops, even in sub-optimal conditions.

Zinc reacted with C² Technology to maximize availability and uptake

Carbon-based Biocatalyst Technology improves nutrient uptake and crop tolerance to abiotic stress

Provides zinc for plant energy production and regulation of essential processes

Supports soil microbiota for healthier, more biologically active soil