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Features & Benefits

Stand up to stress with TERRAMAR.

TERRAMAR 0-0-4 improves nutrient uptake, enhances CEC and chelation, delivers unique metabolic compounds, which enhances microbial activity in the rhizosphere and improves plant response to stressful conditions in specialty crops.

Labeled for the following applications: In-Season or Post, Banded or In-Furrow

Derived from: potassium acetate and seaweed extract

Also contains non-plant food ingredients: 3.00% organic matter from leonardite ore

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Proprietary bio-extraction of seaweed extract and leonardite, designed for enhanced compatibility in fertilizer systems to promote soil and plant health

Part of the Loveland Products biocatalyst product family, specifically designed for high volume applications in specialty and row crops

Homogenous and flowable: Blends with CAN-17 & CaTs, NPhuric

Helps crops overcome challenging soil conditions like drought, excessive salinity and high sodium or bicarbonates