STRIKE FORCE® is a proprietary adjuvant specifically researched and developed for D-Traited (dicamba and 2,4-D tolerant crops) acre. Containing patented technology, STRIKE FORCE is designed to maximize performance.

STRIKE FORCE is currently not registered for sale or use in California.
U.S. Patent No. 9,315,652


Link to our D-Trait Tankmix Update page

Product Benefits: 

  • TO: Drift reduction with performance-sized droplets
  • ON: Droplet retention by adhesion and spreading
  • IN: Increased penetration without cuticle disruption
  • Water conditioning without AMS
  • Bulk handling capabilities
LECI-TECH: To On In Demonstrations

Leci-Tech: To On In Demonstrations (3:18)

Leci Tech: To On In

Leci-Tech: To On In Intro (0:55)

Loveland University: LECI-TECH [updated 2014]

Leci-Tech: Loveland University course (6:13)